Transpersonal Psychooncology
Opening Hours : Mon-Fri, 10.00 - 18.00
Contact : +38 07373 080 88
General and Transpersonal Psychoterapist, General Practitioner, Psycho-Oncologist.
No! Modern psychoneuroimmunology, psychoneuroendocrinology, and epigenetics demonstrate the facts: your health depends on the content and state of your mind. You have tremendous abilities for self-healing, but they are blocked by anxiety, fear, and misunderstanding of disease. To cope with cancer, you need to: A. Understand how and why the disease originated specifically in you, B. Eliminate the true causes of the disease – oncodominant in the mind, C. Activate the immunity and other natural healing resources of the body. The following is what I want to offer you:
for getting well, nurture self-trust, and reignite your love of life.
that cancer has understandable and logical causes that can and must be neutralized.
– the psycho-neuro-physiological source of the disease. In most cases it is still active after medical treatment.
by eliminating hidden underlying psychosocial factors.
emotionally, and practically, how to uncover your inner strengths and develop the stamina necessary to cope with the disease.
of illness and death into the power of healing.
by turning the experience of illness into energy for personal and spiritual development.
what your "Song of Life" is, and how to find your proper Path.
which activates the immune system and other protective systems of the body.